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Cavegirl in Training!

Helloooo (slight echo).  I realize that no one is out there now, but hopefully in several months I will have a few readers.  My intention of this blog is to develop recipes that are Paleo-friendly.

I have traditionally been a clean-eater, but am enjoying the current benefits and literature of the Paleo Lifestyle.  All Paleo is “Clean”, but not all “Clean” is Paleo!

My education is in Marketing and Human Relations, but currently I am a stay-at-home mom.  My latest endeavor is an online Diet and Nutrition Certification Course…for no other reason than personal interest.  And, cooking is my passion.  So all together, I thought this venture would be fun.

Also, hand-in-hand with Paleo, I have taken up CrossFit…LOVE!  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my boot camps and occasional Zumba, Spin and Pilates classes, but CrossFit is just a different beast!

Happy Eating!





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